Reforms Made to CSDR Grammar

This page lists the reforms made to the grammar rules from the Catoena ih'Swaet Doaege Rihanai website. Explanations are given for each change.


æ for ae

The Latin character æ is being used in place of the two letter combination ae to transliterate the single Rihan vowel that represents the "ay" sound. See here for further explanation.

Glottal Stop

As the Latin character æ is being used in place of the two letter combination ae to transliterate the "ay" sound, the glottal stop, ', is no longer used between the letters a and e when those two letters are to be pronounced separately and not as the CSDR ae character. This led to incorrect pronunciation.



The listing of adverbs on the CSDR website was not included here, partly because it is unnecessary and partly because many of the words listed on that page were actually adjectives and not adverbs.



The IRLI uses five common noun groups instead of three. Nouns that "end in -sam" and nouns that "end in -am but not -sam," listed in the irregular nouns section of the CSDR website, have been given their own groups. As all nouns with those endings follow the same declension, they constitute regular groups rather than being irregular.

Noun Derivations

la- ... -(e)ri

The la- ... -(e)ri noun derivation, from verbs, now only drops the e if the verb root ends in e. The CSDR version dropped the e if the verb root ended in e or a. This change was made as part of the shift to using æ instead of ae to transliterate the single Rihan vowel that represents the "ay" sound. See here for further explanation.


The CSDR describes the -asi noun derivation as a way to form an agent from another noun. This is grammatically very difficult to do. Agent nouns describe a subject that performs the action of a verb, e.g. a "driver" is a person who "drives." They can also be formed from adjectives, e.g. a "stranger" is a person who is "strange," who is doing the action of being "strange." It would be awkward to form an agent noun from another noun. As such this derivative was moved to the "From Adjective" section, where it is more grammatically appropriate.


The CSDR lists the noun derivative -dhenn as corresponding to the English "-y," e.g. agent > agency. Dictionary entries, however, use -dænn instead of -dhenn. -Dænn is also the word for "group." An agency is a group of agents working together. This is an obvious typographical error and has been corrected on the IRLI pages.


The eir- noun prefix which CSDR lists as corresponding to the English "-ate" ending as a method of creating a new noun from an existing noun has been removed. It's extremely rare that one could add the "-ate" ending to an English noun and create a new word. Most "-ate" nouns are correlatives of their verb counterparts, e.g. initiate, graduate, affiliate. A look through the CSDR dictionary also reveals that the eir- prefix has not been used for any "-ate" words, thus it is unnecessary.


The sam noun suffix has been added to the "From Nouns" section also, as it is capable of being used, and has been used in the CSDR dictionary, in that capacity.


Types of Pronouns

The pronouns listed on the CSDR page were rearranged into their correct grammatical types.


Three of the four modes for "all" and "everything" were spelled with a "q." There is no "q" in the Rihan alphabet. The spelling has been changed to "k."


New Types

A few new verb forms were added to the IRLI page that were not on the CSDR page. These include a form for "can," "have to" and "want to."