This PHP port is based on Diane Duane's original program.
Refresh the page to generate again.
Uu'kiufvaihtaonta'jhehnvie-a'errh a, iuammeur
stova aedt' E'rhs'hswiehsae e oaohwaeq
arofvauthaetheitraell'ihhry; i'hdheiik'heh
T'meihvaudrshtra-tr dhaihsy; ae oiiir q
u'Riudau lhaeudt' tri! iolmnyy aeihdhiumnl''uy
u'Riumnei oa Ejhei! aelmniubh aeihwh -- o'ss'is
aerrimneothaonnra-jhs'hmniah'noubh ae, -- immuyq
u'so ae lh lleanv'hnnio-aej aawhoauurr ih
i'si ah lhaolhiatrumniahruwh u eiohw'is
At kheo-aeukh kjs'hswiohsiehj ae ueiu'ss'us
u'hifvi k lheatraell'iossuj ih ueiirraes
i'mea ied l'ta'rhs'hmnaemniu akhueo'ss iv
a...iuhv htidt' Ehws'hnviyh'naehf ulluoieek'h'us
Eh...eadi -oanneijhoill'ihlei; idhoaot'd im
T'hiveibhul'eitrirhuihva'ey illuoiihw h
T'maedi aodt'ra-'rhoi! aihsei aekheiiuk'haeh
atevei-aelhiafvudiotiurrh ulluaeol' if
u'rrei eodaelh, nv'hrhaissaa ae, iuik'h r
Ameiraibh thi'rheill'ai-ae; adhuemn'hh r
Source Code